- Translation is a process focusing mainly on content and precision. Specialized terms will be exact written in the target language, concise as in the original.
- In transcreation, all what matters is the appeal and the impact. The perfect solution for marketing and creative content.
- For websites, blogs and other online contents, an internet market adaptation is highly necessary, including keywords research and SEO.
- Cooperation with medical translation agencies. Projects that include many medical terms translation, a medical translation certification and other medical translator requirements.
- Specialized texts written with clinical and technical knowledge. My formal education in health sciences and large experience assure quality and medical precision.
- Projects run with organization, agility and punctuality by a native speaker who´s always available.
- Experience with CAT-Tools, term bases, text QA, and client preferences.
- Health companies produce a large amount of content, both specialized and for a larger public. And they are in different markets: wellness, sport, health care, pharmaceutical companies, technology… This diversity originated need for developing and translating medical content.
- Projects cover a range going from investigator brochures, regulatory documents, writing medical research papers, and medical journal articles, material sfor medical conferences, clinical study reports and much more content.
- My background include formal education in health sciences, a medical writing certification.